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Social media reach information

Social media reach is a media analytics metric that refers to the number of users who have come across a particular content on a social platform such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.[1] Social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Spotify and many more have their own individual ways of tracking, analyzing and reporting the traffic on each of the individual platforms. Each platform allows their users, from everyday citizens to public figures and companies, to create posts and content, to be active on the platform and to interact with other users. These platforms are also a main source of communication between companies and their target audiences. By conducting research, companies are able to utilize analytical information, such as the reach of their posts, to better understand the interactions between the users and their content.

There are multiple underlying factors that will determine what shows up on a newsfeed or timeline. Algorithms, for example, are a type of factor that can alter the reach of a post due to the way the algorithm is coded, which can affect who sees a post and when.[1] Other examples of factors that can impede the reach can include the time at which posts are made, as well as how frequent the posts are between one another.[1]

In comparison, an impression is the total number of circumstances where content has been shown on a social timeline,[1] meanwhile, engagement looks at how people interact with the content that they see on a social platform such as like, share or retweet.

  1. ^ a b c d "Social Media Engagement: Reach vs. Impressions - Taylor Digital". Taylor Digital. June 14, 2017. Retrieved December 14, 2017.

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