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List of country names in various languages information

Most countries of the world have different names in different languages. Some countries have also undergone name changes for political or other reasons. Countries are listed alphabetically by their most common name in English. Each English name is followed by its most common equivalents in other languages, listed in English alphabetical order (ignoring accents) by name and by language. Historical and/or alternative versions, where included, are noted as such. Foreign names that are the same as their English equivalents are also listed. See also: List of alternative country names

Please format entries as follows: for languages written in the Latin alphabet, write "Name (language)", for example, "Afeganistão (Portuguese)", and add it to the list according to English rules of alphabetical order. For languages written in other writing systems, write "Romanization - native script (language)", for example "Argentine - אַרגענטינע (Yiddish)", and alphabetize it in the list by the Romanized form.

Due to its size, this list has been split into four parts:

  • List of country names in various languages (A–C)
  • List of country names in various languages (D–I)
  • List of country names in various languages (J–P)
  • List of country names in various languages (Q–Z)

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