What is Quora?

What is Quora? Is one of the most popular questions on the internet. The question “What is Quora?” has been answered by thousands of people already.

Quora is an American answer-and-answers site where users can ask questions, answer, follow, or edit their opinions, or other facts, on almost any subject imaginable. Its founder, Quora Incorporated, is based in Mountain View, California. Like most high-quality traffic generating platforms, Quora also features a powerful ranking mechanism based on its organic SEO pagerank. In simple terms, Quora’s algorithm awards it the most authoritative traffic by weighting its “quality score”. Because it’s a high-quality traffic-generating platform that features high “quality score” and “authority” among its target audience, the more questions answered and shared on Quora, the more credible and popular it becomes.

What is Quora?
What is Quora?

In order to get started on Quora, you first need to create a user account. When creating a new user account, you will get prompted to enter in a user name, password, email address, and things like that. Upon doing so, you will be taken to your home page where you will be able to see your profile, select which groups you’d like to belong to (groups are categorized into four main topic areas: education, beauty & fashion, science & health, and money & business) and finally create a topic of interest to you.

Now, to answer a question posed in the title, yes, you can earn money answering questions on Quora! It is actually as simple as that. The more relevant topics you choose to answer, the more search engine optimization “points” you’ll gain, which means higher rankings and higher revenue from Google AdSense ads.

In order to get started on Quora, you first need to join the organization. To do this, go to the group called civic dialogues where all the movers and shakers are. You should register an account and be a member until you’re ready to start participating in the forum. You can browse the forum by topic or just search for relevant topics. Once you’re registered, you can browse by topic, answer questions and create your own profile if you want.

This may sound simple, but the real key to knowing how to use Quora for marketing is to know who you’re talking to. Many people ask questions on Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Answers, blogs and other places on the web. You can connect with these people on a much more personal level, because they’ve asked questions before. This is the best way to find out what’s important and what your customers and prospects need. If you can provide an accurate answer to their question, you can win them over and begin building a relationship based on trust and good feelings.

Another powerful way to promote your Quora account is to learn how to use the upvote and downvote features on the platform. These features give you the power to answer questions by clicking one of the upvote or down vote icons. The more votes you get on a topic, the more exposure you will get. And that’s exactly what you need to succeed.

So if you have a product or service to market, you should really consider using quora. This social media platform has all the elements to make it easy for you to get the word out. With thousands of visitors every day, you can bet that there’s a good chance you can get a few new followers as well. If you are unsure of how to properly use quora, you can hire a professional who will do this for you in exchange for a paid consultation.

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