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Quantum number information

Single electron orbitals for hydrogen-like atoms with quantum numbers n = 1, 2, 3 (blocks), (rows) and m (columns). The spin s is not visible, because it has no spatial dependence.

In quantum physics and chemistry, quantum numbers are quantities that characterize the possible states of the system. Quantum numbers are closely related to eigenvalues of observables. When the corresponding observable commutes with the Hamiltonian, the quantum number is said to be "good", and acts as a constant of motion in the quantum dynamics.

To fully specify the state of the electron in a hydrogen atom, four quantum numbers are needed. The traditional set of quantum numbers includes the principal, azimuthal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers. To describe other systems, different quantum numbers are required. For subatomic particles, one needs to introduce new quantum numbers, such as the flavour of quarks, which have no classical correspondence.

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Quantum number

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commutes with the Hamiltonian, the quantum number is said to be "good", and acts as a constant of motion in the quantum dynamics. To fully specify the state...

Word Count : 3122

Principal quantum number

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In quantum mechanics, the principal quantum number (symbolized n) is one of four quantum numbers assigned to each electron in an atom to describe that...

Word Count : 1072

Azimuthal quantum number

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In quantum mechanics, the azimuthal quantum number ℓ is a quantum number for an atomic orbital that determines its orbital angular momentum and describes...

Word Count : 2121

Spin quantum number

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In physics and chemistry, the spin quantum number is a quantum number (designated s) that describes the intrinsic angular momentum (or spin angular momentum...

Word Count : 2959

Magnetic quantum number

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In atomic physics, a magnetic quantum number is a quantum number used to distinguish quantum states of an electron or other particle according to its angular...

Word Count : 1208

Total angular momentum quantum number

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In quantum mechanics, the total angular momentum quantum number parametrises the total angular momentum of a given particle, by combining its orbital angular...

Word Count : 351

Good quantum number

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In quantum mechanics, the eigenvalue q {\displaystyle q} of an observable O {\displaystyle O} is said to be a good quantum number if the observable O {\displaystyle...

Word Count : 1409


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entanglement Quantum fiction Quantum field theory Quantum lithography Quantum mechanics Quantum mind Quantum mysticism Quantum number Quantum optics Quantum sensor...

Word Count : 1132

Topological quantum number

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In physics, a topological quantum number (also called topological charge) is any quantity, in a physical theory, that takes on only one of a discrete set...

Word Count : 611

Quantum state

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In quantum physics, a quantum state is a mathematical entity that embodies the knowledge of a quantum system. Quantum mechanics specifies the construction...

Word Count : 6046

Multiplicative quantum number

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In quantum field theory, multiplicative quantum numbers are conserved quantum numbers of a special kind. A given quantum number q is said to be additive...

Word Count : 251

Quantum machine learning

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Quantum machine learning is the integration of quantum algorithms within machine learning programs. The most common use of the term refers to machine learning...

Word Count : 10314

Quantum information science

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Quantum information science is a field that combines the principles of quantum mechanics with information theory to study the processing, analysis, and...

Word Count : 743

Molecular vibration

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quantum number that can take values of 0, 1, 2 ... In molecular spectroscopy where several types of molecular energy are studied and several quantum numbers...

Word Count : 2706

Introduction to quantum mechanics

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Quantum mechanics is the study of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atomic and subatomic particles. By contrast, classical physics...

Word Count : 7503

Old quantum theory

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The old quantum theory is a collection of results from the years 1900–1925 which predate modern quantum mechanics. The theory was never complete or self-consistent...

Word Count : 4796

Quantum entanglement

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Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon of a group of particles being generated, interacting, or sharing spatial proximity in such a way that the quantum...

Word Count : 12919

Pauli exclusion principle

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four of their quantum numbers, which are: n, the principal quantum number; ℓ, the azimuthal quantum number; mℓ, the magnetic quantum number; and ms, the...

Word Count : 3449

Quantum computing

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A quantum computer is a computer that takes advantage of quantum mechanical phenomena. On small scales, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles...

Word Count : 12491

Quantum superposition

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Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states that linear combinations of solutions to the Schrödinger equation are...

Word Count : 6017

History of quantum mechanics

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of quantum mechanics is a fundamental part of the history of modern physics. The major chapters of this history begin with the emergence of quantum ideas...

Word Count : 9558

Quantum mechanics

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of all quantum physics, which includes quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science. Quantum mechanics...

Word Count : 12063

Quantum harmonic oscillator

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The quantum harmonic oscillator is the quantum-mechanical analog of the classical harmonic oscillator. Because an arbitrary smooth potential can usually...

Word Count : 6839

Quantum chromodynamics

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In theoretical physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the study of the strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons. Quarks are fundamental...

Word Count : 6015

Interpretations of quantum mechanics

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quantum mechanics is an attempt to explain how the mathematical theory of quantum mechanics might correspond to experienced reality. Although quantum...

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Energy level

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A quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound—that is, confined spatially—can only take on certain discrete values of energy, called energy levels...

Word Count : 2831

Quantum decoherence

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Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence. Quantum decoherence has been studied to understand how quantum systems convert to systems which can...

Word Count : 9334

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