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Polyalphabetic cipher information

A polyalphabetic cipher is a substitution, using multiple substitution alphabets. The Vigenère cipher is probably the best-known example of a polyalphabetic cipher, though it is a simplified special case. The Enigma machine is more complex but is still fundamentally a polyalphabetic substitution cipher.

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Polyalphabetic cipher

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A polyalphabetic cipher is a substitution, using multiple substitution alphabets. The Vigenère cipher is probably the best-known example of a polyalphabetic...

Word Count : 683

Substitution cipher

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polygraphic. A monoalphabetic cipher uses fixed substitution over the entire message, whereas a polyalphabetic cipher uses a number of substitutions...

Word Count : 3985

Caesar cipher

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message, so the cipher is classed as a type of monoalphabetic substitution, as opposed to polyalphabetic substitution. The Caesar cipher is named after...

Word Count : 2028

Running key cipher

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In classical cryptography, the running key cipher is a type of polyalphabetic substitution cipher in which a text, typically from a book, is used to provide...

Word Count : 1279

Alberti cipher

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The Alberti Cipher, created in 1467 by Italian architect Leon Battista Alberti, was one of the first polyalphabetic ciphers. In the opening pages of his...

Word Count : 1493


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developed ciphers to send coded messages to his allies during the English Civil War. Simple ciphers were replaced by polyalphabetic substitution ciphers (such...

Word Count : 2044

Pigpen cipher

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pigpen cipher (alternatively referred to as the masonic cipher, Freemason's cipher, Rosicrucian cipher, Napoleon cipher, and tic-tac-toe cipher) is a geometric...

Word Count : 1226

Tabula recta

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ciphers, including the Vigenère cipher and Blaise de Vigenère's less well-known autokey cipher. All polyalphabetic ciphers based on the Caesar cipher...

Word Count : 939

Hill cipher

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Hill cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher based on linear algebra. Invented by Lester S. Hill in 1929, it was the first polygraphic cipher in which...

Word Count : 2241

Rotor machine

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substitution. By this means, a rotor machine produces a complex polyalphabetic substitution cipher, which changes with every key press. In classical cryptography...

Word Count : 2460

Music cipher

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Öttingen-Wallerstein's cipher uses relative scale degrees, rather than fixed note names, it is effectively a polyalphabetic cipher. The same enciphered...

Word Count : 3497

Playfair cipher

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The Playfair cipher or Playfair square or Wheatstone–Playfair cipher is a manual symmetric encryption technique and was the first literal digram substitution...

Word Count : 2503

The Alphabet Cipher

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such ciphers and Charles Babbage had secretly found ways to break polyalphabetic ciphers in the previous decade during the Crimean War. The piece begins...

Word Count : 555

Classical cipher

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ciphers, where just one cipher alphabet is used. It is also possible to have a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, where multiple cipher alphabets are used...

Word Count : 2528


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automatic cipher device, a wheel that implemented a partial realization of his invention. In the Vigenère cipher, a polyalphabetic cipher, encryption...

Word Count : 10726

Enigma machine

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of electrical path through an Enigma scrambler implement a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that provides Enigma's security. The diagram on the right...

Word Count : 11278


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described the first cryptanalytic techniques, including some for polyalphabetic ciphers, cipher classification, Arabic phonetics and syntax, and most importantly...

Word Count : 5176

History of cryptography

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analysis until the development of the polyalphabetic cipher, and many remained so thereafter. The polyalphabetic cipher was most clearly explained by Leon...

Word Count : 6651

Voynich manuscript

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nomenclator and homophonic ciphers should be ruled out, because these typically employ larger cipher alphabets. Polyalphabetic ciphers were invented by Alberti...

Word Count : 13824


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This technique was rendered ineffective after the creation of the polyalphabetic cipher by Leon Battista Alberti in 1465, which incorporated different sets...

Word Count : 3575

Transposition cipher

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In cryptography, a transposition cipher (also known as a permutation cipher) is a method of encryption which scrambles the positions of characters (transposition)...

Word Count : 3604

Cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher

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the known letter frequency distribution of the plaintext. With a polyalphabetic cipher, there is a different substitution alphabet for each successive...

Word Count : 8714

Cipher disk

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substitution for the entire cipher or the disks can be moved periodically throughout the cipher making it polyalphabetic. For a monoalphabetic use, the...

Word Count : 647


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used to navigate through a number of printed tables to create a polyalphabetic cipher. Michael van der Meulen: Reihenschieber, in Cryptologia, Vol. 20(2)...

Word Count : 134

Autokey cipher

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cipher, a single mistake in encryption renders the rest of the message unintelligible. Autokey ciphers are somewhat more secure than polyalphabetic ciphers...

Word Count : 1276

Type B Cipher Machine

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encryption used for the "sixes" was easier to analyze. The sixes cipher turned out to be polyalphabetic with 25 fixed permuted alphabets, each used in succession...

Word Count : 3998

Rail fence cipher

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The rail fence cipher (also called a zigzag cipher) is a classical type of transposition cipher. It derives its name from the manner in which encryption...

Word Count : 1103

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