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List of people named Peter information

Peter is a common name. As a given name, it is generally derived from Peter the Apostle, born Simon, whom Jesus renamed "Peter" after he declared that Jesus indeed was the Messiah. The name "Peter" roughly means "rock" in Greek.

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List of people named Peter

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The name "Peter" roughly means "rock" in Greek. Saint Peter (died 64–68), Jesus' disciple Peter I of Alexandria (d. 311), Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria...

Word Count : 2782

List of foods named after people

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This is a list of foods and dishes named after people. Poularde Adelina Patti – named for 19th-century opera singer Adelina Patti. Woodcock salmis Agnès...

Word Count : 12137

List of people named David

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(disambiguation), multiple people David Zuckerman (disambiguation), multiple people David, a character in the 1967 coming-of-age novel The Outsiders David...

Word Count : 28419

List of countries named after people

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a list of countries and dependent territories named after people. List of country name etymologies List of country subdivisions named after people Porras...

Word Count : 205

List of places named after people

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number of places named after famous people. For more on the general etymology of place names see toponymy. For other lists of eponyms (names derived...

Word Count : 31596

List of eponymous laws

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This list of eponymous laws provides links to articles on laws, principles, adages, and other succinct observations or predictions named after a person...

Word Count : 10163

List of companies named after people

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is a list of companies named after people. For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see Lists of etymologies. All of these are named after...

Word Count : 5910


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Look up Peter, peter, Péter, or péter in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Peter may refer to: List of people named Peter, a list of people and fictional...

Word Count : 386

List of scientific laws named after people

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This is a list of scientific laws named after people (eponymous laws). For other lists of eponyms, see eponym. Eponym Fields of science List of eponymous...

Word Count : 100

List of people named in the Pandora Papers

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This is a partial list of people named in the Pandora Papers as shareholders, directors and beneficiaries of offshore companies. In total, 35 current and...

Word Count : 6079

List of minor planets named after people

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This is a list of minor planets named after people, both real and fictional. 340 Eduarda (Heinrich Eduard von Lade, German) 792 Metcalfia (Joel Hastings...

Word Count : 9425

List of people and organisations named in the Paradise Papers

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This is a list of people and organisations named in the Paradise Papers as connected to offshore companies. The International Consortium of Investigative...

Word Count : 6569

List of inventions named after people

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a list of inventions followed by name of the inventor (or whomever else it is named after). For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see...

Word Count : 1828

List of places in the United States named after people

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This is a list of places in the United States which are named after people. If not cited here, the etymology is generally referenced in the article about...

Word Count : 31755

List of characters and names mentioned in the Quran

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a list of things mentioned in the Quran. This list makes use of ISO 233 for the Romanization of Arabic words. Allāh (" God") Names and attributes of Allah...

Word Count : 4823

List of people named Piotr

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given name that is equivalent to the English name, Peter. In 2009, Piotr was one of the three most popular male names in Poland. Piotr I (bishop of Wrocław)...

Word Count : 3157

List of awards named after people

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This is a list of awards that are named after people. Contents:  Top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z When the Copa del Rey was established...

Word Count : 548

List of sports terms named after people

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This is a list of eponyms in sports, i.e. sports terms named after people. Cleveland Browns: The Cleveland Browns were named after their first coach, Paul...

Word Count : 6255

List of tallest people

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This is a list of the tallest people, verified by Guinness World Records or other reliable sources. According to the Guinness World Records, the tallest...

Word Count : 4987

List of people known as the Great

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This is a list of people known as the Great, or the equivalent, in their own language. Other languages have their own suffixes, such as Persian e Bozorg...

Word Count : 2381

List of comic and cartoon characters named after people

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This is a list of characters from animated cartoon, comic books, webcomics and comic strips who are named after people. Mayor Adam West in Family Guy,...

Word Count : 2737

List of names for the biblical nameless

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This list provides names given in history and traditions for people who appear to be unnamed in the Bible. Revelation 12 is thought to identify the serpent...

Word Count : 3602

List of people with given name Stephen

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This is a list of people with the given name Stephen or Steven: Saint Stephen (died c. 35), with the title of Protomartyr (lit. "first martyr") due to...

Word Count : 10291

List of people named in the Panama Papers

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This is a partial list of people made and named by (Alex Gordon) in the Panama Papers as shareholders, directors and beneficiaries of offshore companies...

Word Count : 13393

List of scientific units named after people

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list of scientific units named after people. For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see eponym. Note that by convention, the name of the...

Word Count : 664

New Testament people named Simon

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Bible concordance (Paris 1838) identified 14 people named Simon and 5 named Simeon in the Bible, 10 and 3 of whom featured in the New Testament, respectively...

Word Count : 1028

List of people named Pyotr

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Soviet Red Army major general List of people named Piotr This page or section lists people that share the same given name. If an internal link led you...

Word Count : 2569

List of people who died in traffic collisions

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This list contains notable people who have been killed in traffic collisions. This list does not include those who were killed competing on closed-road...

Word Count : 10892

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