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List of countries that include United States in their name information

United States generally refers to the United States of America, but there are other countries and groups of countries with "United States" in their name. The list includes countries and groups of countries, that are real, proposed or fictional:

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List of countries that include United States in their name

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their name. The list includes countries and groups of countries, that are real, proposed or fictional: United Mexican States, the official name of Mexico...

Word Count : 455

Names of the United States

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Several names of the United States of America are in common use. Alternatives to the full name include "the United States", the initialisms "the U.S."...

Word Count : 3453

List of sovereign states

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by country List of associated states List of condominiums List of countries and dependencies and their capitals in native languages List of countries and...

Word Count : 4728

List of ISO 3166 country codes

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of countries and their subdivisions – Part 1: Country codes defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical...

Word Count : 1443

List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Europe

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of Human Rights include 46 countries in their definition of Europe. The European Higher Education Area includes 48 countries, and the European Cultural...

Word Count : 2138

Unfriendly countries list

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The unfriendly countries list (Russian: Список недружественных стран, romanized: Spisok nedruzhestvennykh stran) is a list of countries published by the...

Word Count : 2179

List of alternative country names

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alternative names and initialisms for all nations, countries, and sovereign states, in English and any predominant or official languages of the country in question...

Word Count : 271

Member states of the United Nations

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The member states of the United Nations comprise 193 sovereign states. The United Nations (UN) is the world's largest intergovernmental organization. All...

Word Count : 8932

Lists of sovereign states and dependent territories

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country-name etymologies List of country names in various languages List of countries that include United States in their name The representation of a...

Word Count : 5287

United States foreign aid

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developing countries, countries of strategic importance to the United States, and countries recovering from war. While the United States has given aid...

Word Count : 4464

List of sovereign states and dependent territories in North America

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islands of the Caribbean. All of the states listed here are member states of the United Nations. This section contains areas that are not sovereign states nor...

Word Count : 419

List of United States cities by population

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a list of the most populous incorporated places of the United States. As defined by the United States Census Bureau, an incorporated place includes cities...

Word Count : 2432

List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Africa

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This is a list of sovereign states and dependent territories in Africa. It includes fully recognised states, states with limited or zero recognition,...

Word Count : 935

List of countries by incarceration rate

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prisons List of countries by execution rate List of countries by intentional homicide rate List of U.S. states by homicide rate United States incarceration...

Word Count : 1001

List of sovereign states by date of formation

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a list of sovereign states with the dates of their formation (date of their independence or of their constitution), sorted by continent. This list includes...

Word Count : 6460

Metropolitan statistical area

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List of metropolitan areas of the United States List of United States cities by population List of United States counties and county-equivalents List...

Word Count : 1564

List of largest companies in the United States by revenue

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This list comprises the largest companies currently in the United States by revenue as of 2023, according to the Fortune 500 tally of companies and Forbes...

Word Count : 209

List of island countries

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This is a list of island countries. An island is a landmass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water. Many island countries are spread over...

Word Count : 2422

List of transcontinental countries

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This is a list of countries with territory that straddles more than one continent, known as transcontinental states or intercontinental states. Contiguous...

Word Count : 8436

List of sovereign states and dependent territories by continent

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This is a list of sovereign states and dependent territories of the world by continent, displayed with their respective national flags, including the following...

Word Count : 6041

Member states of NATO

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half or fewer in six of the eight countries surveyed say their country should use military force if Russia attacks a neighboring country that is a NATO ally...

Word Count : 2099

List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Asia

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states listed here include two countries that are generally classified as European or African nations but with portions of their territory being in Asia...

Word Count : 1942

List of sovereign states and dependent territories in Oceania

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organization. List of Oceanian countries by GDP (PPP) List of Oceanian countries by population List of predecessors of sovereign states in Oceania List of sovereign...

Word Count : 1864

List of countries by past and projected future population

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countries (except the United States: 1950-2060), as well as the World total for the years 1950-2060. Population and housing censuses by country List of...

Word Count : 1510

List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel

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This is a list of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel. It includes any government-sponsored soldiers used to further the domestic...

Word Count : 1583

List of wars involving the United States

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This is a list of wars and rebellions involving the United States of America. Currently, there are 108 wars on this list, 4 of which are ongoing. 12 major...

Word Count : 2432

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