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Augmented sixth chord information

      #(set-global-staff-size 16)
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff <<
            \relative c'' {
                \set Score.currentBarNumber = #95
                \bar ""
                \clef treble \key es \major \time 3/4
                \override DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #3
                <es g es'>2.\f
                <c f aes c>4^\markup { \raise #4 \bold "rit." } <aes c f aes> <a es' fis a>
                <bes es g bes>2(^\markup { \raise #4 \bold "a tempo" } <c es g c>4)
                <aes d aes'>4 <f aes f'>4. <bes bes'>8
                <es, g es'>2.~\mf
                <es g es'>4
        \new Staff <<
            \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner.staff-padding = #6.3
            \relative c, {
                \clef bass \key es \major \time 3/4
                <c c'>4\sustainOn_\markup { \lower #9.2 \concat { \translate #'(-4.8 . 0) { "E" \flat ":  vi" \hspace #9 "ii" \raise #1 \small "6" \hspace #4.5 "Ger" \raise #1 \small "+6" \hspace #0.5 "I" \raise #1 \small "6/4" \hspace #6.5 "V" \raise #1 \small "7" \hspace #9 "I" } } }
                    <g'' c es> <g c es>
                <aes,, aes'>\sustainOff\sustainOn <c c'> <ces ces'>\sustainOff
                <bes bes'>\sustainOn <g'' bes es> <g bes es>
                <bes,, bes'>\sustainOff\sustainOn <aes'' bes d> <aes bes d>
                <es, es'>\sustainOff bes' g
    >> }
A German sixth chord on the last beat of m. 96 in Scott Joplin's "Binks' Waltz" (1905).[1]

In music theory, an augmented sixth chord contains the interval of an augmented sixth, usually above its bass tone. This chord has its origins in the Renaissance,[2] was further developed in the Baroque, and became a distinctive part of the musical style of the Classical and Romantic periods.[3]

Conventionally used with a predominant function (resolving to the dominant), the three most common types of augmented sixth chords are usually called the Italian sixth, the French sixth, and the German sixth.

  1. ^ Benward, Bruce and Saker, Marilyn (2009). Music in Theory and Practice, Vol. II, p.105. Eighth edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN 9780073101880.
  2. ^ Andrews 1950, pp. 45–46.
  3. ^ Andrews 1950, pp. 46–52.

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