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List of songs recorded by the Smashing Pumpkins information

The Smashing Pumpkins perform on a stage with a large orb with projections. From left to right: Nicole Fiorentino, Billy Corgan, and Jeff Schroeder
2012 line-up of the Smashing Pumpkins (left to right): Nicole Fiorentino, Billy Corgan, and Jeff Schroeder (Mike Byrne is obscured at the drums) performing at Chaifetz Arena in St Louis, Missouri, on October 18, 2012

The Smashing Pumpkins are an American alternative rock band formed in 1988. The band has recorded many songs since their formation, with frontman Billy Corgan being the principle songwriter for most of their songs. The Smashing Pumpkins have also gone through many line-up changes, with Corgan being the most consistent member of the group. Below is a list of songs they have recorded as a band.

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The Smashing Pumpkins

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The Smashing Pumpkins (or simply Smashing Pumpkins) are an American alternative rock band from Chicago. Formed in 1988 by frontman and guitarist Billy...

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List of songs recorded by the Smashing Pumpkins

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The Smashing Pumpkins are an American alternative rock band formed in 1988. The band has recorded many songs since their formation, with frontman Billy...

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albums. This list does not include material recorded by the Smashing Pumpkins members with other side projects. As of 2012, the Smashing Pumpkins have sold...

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The Smashing Pumpkins are an alternative rock band formed in Chicago, Illinois in 1988. The band was formed by guitarist/vocalist Billy Corgan and guitarist...

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Siamese Dream

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Dream is the second studio album by the American alternative rock band the Smashing Pumpkins, released on July 27, 1993, by Virgin Records. The album was...

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