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List of songs recorded by Imagine Dragons information

This is a comprehensive list of every song recorded by the American pop rock band Imagine Dragons. This includes singles, covers, soundtrack songs, collaborations, and unreleased songs.

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List of songs recorded by Imagine Dragons

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comprehensive list of every song recorded by the American pop rock band Imagine Dragons. This includes singles, covers, soundtrack songs, collaborations...

Word Count : 185

Imagine Dragons discography

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Imagine Dragons – Believer". Recorded Music NZ. Retrieved July 14, 2017. "New Zealand single certifications – Imagine Dragons – Thunder". Recorded Music...

Word Count : 3927

Imagine Dragons

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Imagine Dragons are an American pop rock band formed in 2008, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and currently consisting of lead singer Dan Reynolds, guitarist...

Word Count : 8042

List of awards and nominations received by Imagine Dragons

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Imagine Dragons is an American pop rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, consisting of lead vocalist Dan Reynolds, lead guitarist Wayne Sermon, bassist Ben...

Word Count : 2142

Dan Reynolds

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American singer and songwriter. He is the lead vocalist of the pop rock band Imagine Dragons. Reynolds also released an EP in 2011, titled Egyptian –...

Word Count : 4613

Night Visions

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studio album by American pop rock band Imagine Dragons. It was released on September 4, 2012, through Kidinakorner and Interscope Records. The album was...

Word Count : 4895

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