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List of people with given name Alan information

This is a list of notable people with the given name of Alan:

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List of people with given name Alan

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This is a list of notable people with the given name of Alan: Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also Alan Abel, American...

Word Count : 1581

List of people with given name Michael

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This is a list of people and characters with the given name Michael. Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Fictional characters...

Word Count : 7645

List of people with given name Stephen

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This is a list of people with the given name Stephen or Steven: Saint Stephen (died c. 35), with the title of Protomartyr (lit. "first martyr") due to...

Word Count : 10291


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English given name List of people with given name Alan Following are people commonly referred to solely by "Alan" or by a homonymous name. Alan (Chinese singer)...

Word Count : 390

List of people with given name Lloyd

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This is a list of people with given name Lloyd. Lloyd (singer) (born 1986), American R&B artist Lloyd Oscar Abeyaratne (1893-1978), Sri Lankan Sinhala...

Word Count : 446


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Elyot) is a personal name which can serve as either a surname or a given name. Although the given name has historically been given to males, females have...

Word Count : 3979

List of people with dwarfism

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The following is a list of people who are known for their dwarfism and who have been open about it. While these people are not known for being the shortest...

Word Count : 3263


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Maori List of people named Susan Black-eyed Susan (disambiguation) Gardiner, Alan H. (1936). "The Egyptian Origin of Some English Personal Names". Journal...

Word Count : 382

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