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List of fictional fish information

This is a list of fictional fish from literature, animation and movies. This includes sharks and eels, both of which are fish. Cetaceans and seacows are aquatic mammals, not fish, and shellfish are mollusks, not fish, so they are therefore excluded.

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List of fictional fish

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This is a list of fictional fish from literature, animation and movies. This includes sharks and eels, both of which are fish. Cetaceans and seacows are...

Word Count : 60

Lists of fictional animals

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List of fictional parasites List of fictional worms Lists of fictional vertebrates List of fictional fish List of fictional frogs and toads List of fictional...

Word Count : 298

List of miscellaneous fictional animals

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This list of fictional animals contains notable fictional animals of species that do not have a separate list among either the lists of fictional animals...

Word Count : 3016

List of fictional arthropods

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This list of fictional arthropods is subsidiary to the list of fictional animals. It is restricted to notable insect, arachnid and crustacean characters...

Word Count : 373

List of fictional felines

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This is a list of fictional cats and felines and is a subsidiary to the list of fictional animals. It includes a limited selection of notable felines...

Word Count : 1027

List of fictional diseases

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pathogens have appeared in fiction as part of a major plot or thematic importance. They may be fictional psychological disorders, magical, from mythological...

Word Count : 472

List of fictional doctors in television

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This is a list of fictional doctors (characters who use the appellation "doctor", medical and otherwise), organized by the television show and character's...

Word Count : 54

List of fictional nobility

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This is a list of fictional nobility that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by noble rank and limited to well-referenced...

Word Count : 1481

List of fictional turtles

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This is a list of fictional turtles, tortoises, and terrapins from literature, movies and other elements of popular culture. Post turtle Ograbme Cultural...

Word Count : 92

List of fictional princesses

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, This is a list of fictional princesses that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced...

Word Count : 496

List of fictional settlements

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This is a list of fictional settlements, including fictional towns, villages and cities, organized by each city's medium. This list should include only...

Word Count : 589

List of fictional computers

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real world. Fictional computers may be referred to with a made-up manufacturer's brand name and model number or a nickname. This is a list of computers...

Word Count : 15061

List of fictional countries on the Earth

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This is a list of fictional countries from published works of fiction (books, films, television series, games, etc.). Fictional works describe all the...

Word Count : 2751

List of fictional cats in animation

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This list of fictional cats and other felines is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. It is restricted solely to notable feline characters from notable...

Word Count : 110

List of fictional penguins

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This list of fictional penguins is subsidiary to the list of fictional birds and is a collection of various notable penguin characters that appear in various...

Word Count : 222

Lists of animals

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United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of endangered species List of extinct animals List of extinct birds List of extinct mammals List of extinct cetaceans...

Word Count : 685

List of fictional doctors

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This is a list of fictional doctors (characters that use the appellation "doctor", medical and otherwise), from literature, films, television, and other...

Word Count : 198

List of fictional drinks

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the sense of a futuristic society (e.g. Romulan Ale in Star Trek). While there are many fictional liquids that can be consumed, fictional liquid medicines...

Word Count : 955

List of fictional pachyderms

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This list of fictional pachyderms is a subsidiary to the List of fictional ungulates. Characters from various fictional works are organized by medium....

Word Count : 512

List of fictional witches

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This is the list of fictional witches. A Adrazelle (Mélusine) Alwina (Good witch in the Suske en Wiske story "Het Spaanse Spook") Alwina (Evil witch in...

Word Count : 5672

List of fictional birds of prey

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list of fictional birds of prey is subsidiary to the list of fictional birds. It is restricted to notable bird of prey characters from the world of fiction...

Word Count : 188

Fictional language

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Fictional languages are the subset of constructed languages (conlangs) that have been created as part of a fictional setting (e.g. for use in a book, movie...

Word Count : 1222

List of fictional pigs

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This article contains a list of pigs in various categories of fiction, including pigs and warthogs. Madame Oink, an early guest star at Chuck E. Cheese's...

Word Count : 461

List of fictional robots and androids

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This list of fictional robots and androids is chronological, and categorised by medium. It includes all depictions of robots, androids and gynoids in literature...

Word Count : 18530

List of fictional towns in animation

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a list of animated fictional towns, villages, settlements and cities. This list should include only well-referenced, notable examples of fictional settlements...

Word Count : 260

List of monarchs of fictional countries

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This is a list of fictional monarchs – characters who appear in fiction as the monarchs (kings, queens, emperors, empresses, etc.) of fictional countries...

Word Count : 60867

Lists of humanoids

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of fictional humanoid species in literature List of fictional humanoid species in comics List of fictional humanoid species in television List of fictional...

Word Count : 99

List of fictional towns in literature

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This is a list of fictional towns in literature. Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also References Passmore, Kevin (1997)...

Word Count : 217

List of fictional bars and pubs

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This is a list of notable fictional bars and pubs. Contents 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z Ace of Clubs – Smallville The Admiral's...

Word Count : 4105

List of fictional worms

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The list of fictional worms is categorized by media. The word "worm" includes earthworms, and mythological and fantastic creatures descending from the...

Word Count : 2548

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