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List of fictional big cats information

This list of fictional big cats is subsidiary to the List of fictional cats and other felines and includes notable large feline characters that appear in various works of fiction. This list excludes hybrids such as ligers and tiglons.

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List of fictional big cats

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This list of fictional big cats is subsidiary to the List of fictional cats and other felines and includes notable large feline characters that appear...

Word Count : 950

List of fictional big cats in animation

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This list of fictional big cats in animation is subsidiary to the list of fictional animals and is a collection of various notable feline characters that...

Word Count : 92

List of fictional felines

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each category. For fictional large felids such as lions and tigers, see List of fictional big cats. This section deals with notable cat characters that appear...

Word Count : 1027

List of fictional cats in film

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This list of fictional cats and other felines is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. It is restricted solely to notable feline characters from notable...

Word Count : 154

List of fictional cats in animation

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This list of fictional cats and other felines is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. It is restricted solely to notable feline characters from notable...

Word Count : 110

Lists of fictional animals

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List of fictional big cats List of fictional musteloids (Musteloidea other than raccoons and badgers) List of fictional badgers List of fictional raccoons...

Word Count : 298

List of fictional cats in literature

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This list of fictional cats in literature is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. It is restricted solely to notable feline characters from notable...

Word Count : 1107

List of fictional cats in television

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This list of fictional cats and other felines in television is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. This list includes feline puppet characters....

Word Count : 105

List of fictional cats in comics

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This list of fictional cats and other felines in comics is subsidiary to the list of fictional cats. It is restricted solely to notable feline characters...

Word Count : 213

List of miscellaneous fictional animals

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fictional dogs See also List of fictional wolves See List of fictional cats and other felines See also List of fictional big cats Aardwolves in The Lion Guard...

Word Count : 3016

British big cats

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legend, British big cats refers to the subject of reported sightings of non-native, typically large felids feral in the United Kingdom. Many of these creatures...

Word Count : 2075

List of fictional dogs in animated television

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This is a list of fictional dogs in animated television and is a subsidiary to the list of fictional dogs. It is a collection of various animated dogs...

Word Count : 32

List of fictional turtles

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This is a list of fictional turtles, tortoises, and terrapins from literature, movies and other elements of popular culture. Post turtle Ograbme Cultural...

Word Count : 92

List of fictional rabbits and hares

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This is a list of fictional rabbits and hares (Leporidae). Fantasy hybrids such as jackalopes are not listed. The Cadbury's Caramel Bunny Dr. Rabbit, a...

Word Count : 455

List of fictional butlers

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A list of fictional butlers or related characters: Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also References List of famous fictional...

Word Count : 94

List of fictional diseases

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pathogens have appeared in fiction as part of a major plot or thematic importance. They may be fictional psychological disorders, magical, from mythological...

Word Count : 472

List of fictional cyborgs

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This list is for fictional cyborgs. Edward Sydney from Samuel-Henri Berthoud's story "Prestige" (1831). John A. B. C. Smith from Edgar Allan Poe's story...

Word Count : 4478

List of fictional princesses

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, This is a list of fictional princesses that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by medium and limited to well-referenced...

Word Count : 514

List of fictional dogs

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This list of fictional dogs is subsidiary to the list of fictional animals. It is restricted to notable dog characters from the world of fiction. For...

Word Count : 1273

List of fictional dogs in animated film

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This is a list of fictional dogs in animated film and is a subsidiary to the list of fictional dogs. It is a collection of various animated dogs in film...

Word Count : 30

List of fictional doctors

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This is a list of fictional doctors (characters that use the appellation "doctor", medical and otherwise), from literature, films, television, and other...

Word Count : 198

List of fictional birds

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separately at list of fictional ducks, list of fictional penguins, and list of fictional birds of prey. For non-fictional birds see List of individual birds...

Word Count : 506

Cats in the United States

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medium-sized wild cats from the genus Lynx; and big cats from the genera Puma and Panthera. Domestic cats vastly outnumber wild cats in the United States...

Word Count : 1040

List of fictional penguins

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This list of fictional penguins is subsidiary to the list of fictional birds and is a collection of various notable penguin characters that appear in various...

Word Count : 222

List of fictional nobility

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This is a list of fictional nobility that have appeared in various works of fiction. This list is organized by noble rank and limited to well-referenced...

Word Count : 1481

List of fictional settlements

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This is a list of fictional settlements, including fictional towns, villages and cities, organized by each city's medium. This list should include only...

Word Count : 589

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