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List of Korean given names information

This is a list of Korean given names by type. Most Korean given names consist of two Sino-Korean morphemes each written with one hanja. There are also names with more than two syllables, often from native Korean vocabulary. Finally, there are a small number of one-syllable names. Originally, there was no legal limitation on the length of names, but since 1993, regulations in South Korea have prohibited the registration of given names longer than five syllable blocks, in response to some parents giving their children extremely long names such as the 16-syllable Haneulbyeollimgureumhaennimbodasarangseureouri (하늘별님구름햇님보다사랑스러우리).[1] Lists of hanja for names are illustrative, not exhaustive.

  1. ^ "한국에서 가장 긴 이름은?" [What's the longest name in Korea?]. Hankyoreh. 18 January 2008. Retrieved 6 August 2015.

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