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Graphical timeline of the Stelliferous Era information

This is the timeline of the stelliferous era but also partly charts the primordial era, and charts more of the degenerate era of the heat death scenario.

The scale is where is the time since the Big Bang expressed in years. Example: one million years is .

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Graphical timeline of the Stelliferous Era

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the timeline of the stelliferous era but also partly charts the primordial era, and charts more of the degenerate era of the heat death scenario. The...

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Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death

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[citation needed] Usually the logarithmic scale is used for such timelines but it compresses the most interesting Stelliferous Era too much as this example...

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Timelapse of the Future

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only until the last star dies — which also marks the end of the Stelliferous Era of the universe — at about 100 trillion years after the Big Bang. Dividing...

Word Count : 6245

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